Who are you?
I am a still-life photographer specialising in jewelry, based in Central London
What is your creative area of expertise?
I work in the jewellery world, capturing incredible stones and jewels for marketing and advertising. On the side, I create art on my own terms to deepen my experience and knowledge in creating impactful images while enhancing my lighting techniques and ideas.
Main inspiration?
My main inspiration comes from experimenting with light and textures, while immersing my imagination by viewing works by artists and creators of the past and present.
Tell us a little bit about the work you chose to share
I chose to share a Photograph created using a technique I developed, where I paint light over the subject before an open camera. This process delicately highlights the flowers, capturing their colours, textures and mood. The image is raw, having had zero manipulation or changes made since it was captured. A point of interest is that the flowers were actually placed against a white wall in my studio, with the light so delicate it only touched the flowers. The exquisite flowers were grown on my friend Dorron’s balcony in Wembley.
What is your work process?
I work in darkness for the greatest control.
One special moment that happened to you this year
This year, we launched a book featuring my images of Gemstones lit in a light technique I invented to illuminate the stones from the inside.
A piece of advice
My advice would be to always keep playing and keep sharing ideas. Ideas are two a penny, the more you have and share, the more you will have.
What’s next?
So much, keep in touch to find out!