Young BFAMI (YBFAMI) committee gathers art professionals belonging to a group age of 20-35 years old. The Young Friends collaborate with Friends of the museums abroad as well as with different art organisations based in London.

Young BFAMI events are open to everyone and appeal both to an audience familiar with the contemporary art world desiring a critical interaction as well as those interested in an introduction to artists and their work.

Jonathan Aaron
Donna Bengio

Co-Vice Chairman
Lisa Noonoo
Aryell Moussaioff

Sharon Alaghband
Melodie Argi
Maor Ashkar
Sarah Blum
Taz Beckwith
Shir Nash Bieber
Yoav Joseph Dangoor
Ileana Ereira
Daniel Etherton
Shachar Elstein
Daniella Fattal
Jonni Glick
Deborah Kattan
Adina Koolander
Doron Kroll
Dalia Lister
Francesca Morpurgo
Heloise Nabon
Shany Salem
Giselle Roth Ohayon
Nathaniel Schimmel
Kimberley Smith
Lyelle Schohet
Carmel Shayle
Tom Zhirhen
Roy Zabludowicz
Maya Zabludowicz

Sarah Carr
Tal Lahyani Draper
Imogen Franks
Millie Foster
Natasha Hersham
Joanna Hattab
Ezra Konvitz
Tamila Kerimova
Miriam Metliss
Sophie Rosenheim
Dotan Pissaro Stern
Romy Sinai
Philip Salem
Rob Samuels
Kimberly Smith
Elliot Safra
Omer Tiroche
Jason Tucker
Tiffany Zabludowicz
Tali Zeloof