Who are you?
Roei Greenberg, I am a contemporary Israeli artist. I graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2020 and live and work in London.
What is your creative area of expertise?
I explore the relationship between humanity and landscape using large format photography. Combining objective aesthetic with strong emphasis on research and critical approach, I create multi-layered photographic perspectives; pictorial and alluring that seek to disrupt traditional modes of landscape representation.
Main inspiration?
My inspiration comes from the layered relationship between landscape and the ways humans interact with, define, and reshape it. Informed by my upbringing in a Kibbutz on the Lebanese border, I focus on the tension between natural beauty and the artificial boundaries we create, exploring narratives around identity, belonging, and division.
Tell us a little bit about the work you chose to share
From the body of work titled Nothing New In The West shot over a month long road trip crossing the continental United States. The American road trip is one of photo-history most celebrated genres. It conjures a sense of freedom, of escape, of self empowerment and endless possibilities. But the American landscape also represents the contested relationship between humans and the land. It is about conquering or being conquered.
What is your work process?
Starting with intense research, and moving on to looking at the road as a stage, the physical journey through geography becomes associative and slowly detaches from the documentary nature of photography. Familiar situations are framed with a sense for dramatic irony and create absurd scenes that often seem to have been carefully staged.
One special moment that happened to you this year
I participated in Open Studio, a presentation of four London-based artists all working with photography; Emil Lombardo, Gisela Torres, Isabelle Young and myself. Located within an ex-dairy warehouse in Marylebone, the studio also hosted several events and talks to coincide with Photo London.
A piece of advice
Collaboration is the key.
What’s next?
After the success of the Open Studio project, I was invited to produce a large scale exhibition in the Marylebone space for spring 2025, to coincide with Photo London 2025. The exhibition will be a duo show, a collaboration between artist Ian Malhotra and myself, curated by Madeline Yale-Preston. The exhibition will include a public program, collector’s tour and panel talks. I look forward to welcoming everyone to this exhibition and warmly invite those who wish to contribute to its journey at this formative stage to connect.