27 March 2024 . 10:00

BFAMI Breakfast at Claridge’s ArtSpace & a private tour at Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery

Join our breakfast and curator led tour at Claridge’s ArtSpace followed by a private tour at Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery led by Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE


Wednesday 27 March at 10:00


Claridge’s ArtSpace is proud to announce THE HUDSONS, Family Ties, a multidisciplinary, intergenerational exhibition of work by Richard, Richard WM and Henry Hudson. Curated by Mollie Dent-Brocklehurst, the exhibition brings together these three British artists – father and sons – to be shown together for the very first time.


The artists are united in their deep understanding and fascination of nature and natural forms. Their
artistic practices all began to evolve at a similar time, though in remarkably different directions, incorporating a variety of mediums and processes. Yet, crucially, all connect strongly with the intricate and complex materiality of their mediums, involving physical processes that work earthen materials with clay, plasticine, scagliola and wood.



‘Surrogates’, an exhibition of new work by Erwin Wurm, embodies the Austrian artist’s characteristically explorative approach to the concept of sculpture. Disrupting traditional distinctions between subject and object, the human and the non-human, spectator and participant, the exhibition renders the familiar unfamiliar through a playful treatment of the sculptural principles of ‘two- and three-dimensionality, mass, volume, skin and surface, movement and time.’


On view concurrently with Wurm’s major institutional survey at Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield, the exhibition presents painted metal and epoxy resin sculptures alongside key developments in his iconic One Minute Sculptures.




Tel Aviv Museum of Art recently presented the first solo exhibition in Israel (April – October 2023) of works by Erwin Wurm, one of the most prominent contemporary artists.



Claridge's & Ropac

Claridge's & Ropac
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