10 April 2018 - 10 April 2018 . 00:15 - 16:30

Day Trip to Houghton Hall

Please join us for a Private View of a series of new paintings by Damien Hirst entitled Colour Space which are being exhibited in the State Rooms at Houghton Hall. The exhibition also includes a number of the artist’s most celebrated sculptures which are installed throughout the 18th-century house and gardens.

2:15pm Tour of the exhibition, guided by Maïa Morgensztern, Editor of CULTURE ALT

1:15pm Lunch, sponsored by Dorotheum

3:10pm Tranposrt to King’s Lynn

3:54pm Train departs Kings Lynn for King’s Cross

Ticket: BFAMI £75 donation (Does not include train travel) 

Places are limited (20 max) and will be sold on a first come first served basis.