01 September 2023 . 09:00

BFAMI Freddie Mercury Breakfast Tour at Sotheby’s

We hope that you will be able to join us for this private Specialist led Breakfast tour at Sotheby’s of Freddie Mercury’s personal collection.

Friday 1 September at 9am

Sotheby’s will present Freddie Mercury: A World of His Own, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the public and private realm of a global icon.

A world-renowned rock superstar, away from the stage Freddie Mercury was a deeply educated collector. Across six auctions, Sotheby’s reflects Freddie Mercury’s kaleidoscopic world of style and quality, spanning art, fashion, musical instruments, personal papers, possessions and photographs, furniture, and jewels, accrued over the course of fifty years.

Click here to book your tickets

*Limited spaces

Freddie Mercury, Queen – Wembley Stadium 1986, Photograph by ©Denis O’Regan